Buying Fake Anabolic Steroids Online: Avoid Cheap Steroids in 2022

Buying Fake Anabolic Steroids Online: Avoid Cheap Steroids in 2022

Buying fake anabolic steroids online is dangerous business from a monetary, health, and legal stand point. If you read my last article, you realize that big brother is always watching. While they aren’t much interested in the guy buying a few bottles of test to prep for a contest, they will chase down guys who move weight.

By that I mean some guys order lots of extra’s and pound their dumb ass friend at the gym double what they paid so that they cover the cost of their own cycle. Looks good on paper, just exposes you to the danger of getting in deep shit legally. There are other issues at hand as well. One is that you may get totally fake products or different products or you get the worse alternative, contaminated products. You literally could die from taking something of this nature, it’s that serious.

Fake Steroids

I laugh my ass off when I hear a guy tell me his great source online uses credit cards. I am like “What the fuck is wrong with you dummy?” Nothing better than a paper trail to get your ass in hot water. At least with cash there is plausible deniability. Holy shit are some people stupid. Buying fake anabolic steroids online happens everyday.

Do the simple math. The Primo is 10 times the price of the testosterone. Therefore would it not make perfect sense that Mr. Raw Powder guy needs to charge a great deal more for Primo or he would lose his ass monetarily speaking. Yep, you keep buying that Primo and I have a bridge I want to sell you. You are likely just getting test prop or deca. All greatly cheaper than Primo. Sometimes the bottle just has oil in it with nothing. Yeah, great deal huh?

Dirty Steroids

You have heard me talk in the past of my own issues such as my chest abscess or other guys having their legs opened up and liters of puss drained out while a bunch of necrotized (dead for the uninformed) tissue is debrided (scraped) away. Sound lovely doesn’t it. Listen, I am not some pussy who is saying don’t go buy steroids. I have done enough of them myself. What I am saying is it should at least give you pause, to check out you source to make sure he isn’t selling shit gear.

I can’t tell you the number of times I have seen guys feel like they have a flu every single injection with some gear. I mean sweating, fever, infection and feeling like shit over all. Is it worth it? And these same idiots will shoot that shit again just to double check. If you felt like shit the first time, chances are you will feel like shit again. Worse yet, you could be that guy laying in a hospital bed with his leg wide open for weeks on end building up massive medical bills. Yeah, that sounds like a great trade off. Fucking nuts if you ask me. If you don’t 100% trust your source, don’t fucking buy it!

Cheap Internet Steroids

My buddies had a guy they just called “China Man.” He was a worldwide figure in underground steroid dealing. They said they had to send money via Western Union to places like China, India, Bangladesh, and other countries in the Orient and Middle East.This guy could get you just about anything. It was funny because he would ship stuff international from over in China and other countries in Asia and the Middle East.

That’s probably how he stayed in business for so many years. It’s isn’t like China is going to just invite our DEA in to bust him or her. It was a great hook up with good prices. I always thought it funny that a Chinese company was shipping QV (quality vet), which was Mexican. Can you say counterfeit. So long as the gear worked, it was okay because he was dirt cheap!

Cheap Internet Steroids: Low prices, High risk

You would hear everyday about people getting busted. Like any other criminal enterprise, loose lips sink ships. The less people know, the better. Inherently, people have big mouths and like to brag so they end up getting in the cross hairs of law enforcement. Or worse yet, they drag others into the vortex with them due to their oral diarrhea. Last I checked, possessing, selling, conspiring to sell, etc. were all felonies. These are serious crimes and yet these meat head’s in the gym have no problem bragging about all the gear they take openly and loudly. Sorry, I rambled off on a tangent.

Back to the good stuff. So you could get just about anything and for cheap. We would load up on pre-contest stacks for ourselves. I stopped competing and really stopped using chemicals for years. I just don’t see the need to take risks if you’re not going onstage. I could care less what people think and say. Even without juice, Bench over 400 pounds and walk around at 240 fairly lean pounds.

Buying Fake Anabolic Steroids Online

Cheap Internet Steroids: The End Of An Era

As time went on, the China Man would have more and more issues with seizures of packages. These guys know how to find the weaknesses in customs, the mail, etc. As the China Man continued to have issues, people stopped ordering and I think he took hi millions and ran. Most of us would go to the HRT doctor to get scrips for 2 reasons, CYA (cover your ass) and by now most of us had some serious secondary hypo-gonadal issues. So we were able to get it prescribed in doses that were sensible.

In reality, you go through phases where you feel invincible and other times you just feel like you’re gonna get your ass in a sling. It now made sense to just find someone local who can get you stuff. No need to risk freedom to save $10 a vial on test. So it comes full circle in the black market from hometown to China and back to the hometown. Weird how this felony sport drives you to do risky, fool hardy things.Oh, the fun isn’t over. We have so much more to talk about. Next installment, I will talk on some health issues I encountered over the years using gear.

Anabolic Steroids And Health Issues: Common Problems

Over the past three decades I have seen many health issues with steroid use and abuse. Some of the issues are minor and transient in nature and others are severe and long lasting. I have seen people us small amounts and have major issues and I have seen people use enough anabolic steroids to make an elephant grow. The reason some people have issues and others do not is likely just due to the luck of genetics. Some people are literally human cockroaches! I have seen guys be absolutely reckless for 30 years and just never have any serious issues. I have seen guys get problems off just one cycle. It literally is a crap shoot.

My feelings have always been to train as clean as possible as much of the year as you can, then run anabolic steroids as your show approaches. This way you limit the amount of damage you do to the body to 16 weeks versus year. That is just how I feel about it. The most coomon problems associated with anabolic steroid use are as follows: gynecomastia, acne, testicular shrinkage, hair loss. These are all somewhat minor. Gyno sucks because if the gland grows, you may need surgery. Hair loss is common as you notice most guys have bald heads on the Mr. Olympia stage. Acne can scar if not treated and testicular shrinkage reverses itself following PCT.

Anabolic Steroids: My Stories

In nearly thirty years of competitive bodybuilding, I have not escaped problems myself. While I have considered myself an educated user who always would be cautious, I still have had some issues. The first issue I ever encountered was in college when I tried Testosterone Suspension.

Within 3 days of my initial use, I was doing chest and laid back with 100 lb dumbells to do presses and the weight hit my left nipple and I about jumped out of my skin. I literally got gland tissue growth in 3-4 days from my first injection. Needless to say, I got off that immediately. I think I pretty much got rid of it using Femera (letrozole), a second generation anti-aromatase inhibitor many year later. I never had any sexual problems thank God.

Many of my friends had transient impotence and even fertility issues. That would absolutely suck. Its hard to have foresight at 22 years of age to see what will happen at 32 years of age. I also had very little hair loss for the longest time although it has caught up to me some as I passed the 40 year barrier. The two worst incidents I had were pretty crazy.

Anabolic Steroids And Health Issues: The Clay Boy Incident! 

The one year in the late 1990’s, I did a show and was super lean. 3-4 days after the show I couldn’t do 10 mins on the stairs without being gassed out. I labored to walk a flight of stairs. I started to get massive edema systemically as well. My training partner said “Dude, your lips are white!” I had been passing black, tarry stool which is a sure sign of an upper GI bleed.

I tried to ignore it. The edema got so bad my sister started calling me “clay boy.” You could literally change the shape of my body by pushing water around. I ended up going to the ER after 2 weeks. I felt better at this point and my hemoglobin level was 7; that’s the level they transfuse you at. I was lucky not to have a heart attack because my heart was racing for weeks trying to get oxygen to my muscles and organs.

I was beyond anemic. The doctor asked what happened, I told him after the show i just quit everything cold turkey. I was sick of injecting myself so I just said no more. He said I went into adrenal crisis and that’s why “I swelled up like a Toad.” He injected me with 3 cc of cortisol to antagonize my glands to start working. Once they did, something really cool happened, I got strong as hell.

I couldn’t eat protein at all so I was eating cereal. Sugar cereal specifically, like Captn Crunch, Reese’s Peanut Butter and Chocolate, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, etc. I was doing close grip bench reps of 3 with 495 pounds. I could incline 3 at 495 pounds. It made no sense but I wasn’t complaining. Pretty soon I had all the big guys in our gym buying sugar cereals. Should have gotten kick backs from General Mills and I could have retired.

Anabolic Steroids: The Abscess From Hell!

When you compete, you tend to get a little reckless and stupid trying to get that best ever look. Like I said, I have always been conservative regarding use of anabolic steroids. My good friend talked me into site injecting water based Winstrol into my chest to “get more striations. What a fricking bad idea that was. I hit 1 cc of Winny into each pec about 3 weeks out of a huge state show.

The one side was fine, the other side got swollen and red. I knew it was infected. I got some Cipro from my sister who always has it on hand due chronic bladder infections since her youth. It wasn’t going away and I knew I had to drain the abscess. My good friend is an RN and he offered to drain it for me. He came to the gym and we went in my office and he pussed out!

He said, “Bro, I just can’t do it.” I said give me the needle and gauze. I used an 18 gauge syringe to pierce the abscess. I pushed on it in a milking fashion and a little blob of puss and blood came out. My buddy was like “that wasn’t too bad.” I said “yeah but it feels like more is in there.” I pushed harder and suddenly a 1″ river of puss and blood was pouring down my chest. It just kept flowing out as I milked the area. It was non-stop for 5 mins til it finally subsided. I did the same thing for the next 3 days and it was gone. I dodged a bullet on that one. The lesson learned, no more site injections and no more using any water based underground gear.

Solutions to Buying Fake Anabolic Steroids Online

Unless you know a doctor who is dumb as shit and would roll the dice on his 10 year life commitment, huge student loans, and his entire future, you will also have to roll the dice on your health, your freedom, and your wallet. So,

Scenario A) Roll the dice with internet steroid guy and pray for the best.

Scenario B) Go Natural. Yeah, I laughed too.

Scenario C) Use the HRT dose the doctor gave you.

Scenario D) Use Legal Steroids. I know many will laugh, but Brutal Force Legal Steroids are like taking a very respectable dose of legal steroids, but at a fraction the cost, without legal ramifications, and not risking your health (provided you follow directions and aren’t an asshole). Yeah, it’s not the same as a gram of test per week but it gets the job done. Bottom line, 95% of all the people in the gym don’t eat well enough, train hard enough, or plan on competing to justify using legal steroids.

Just do the smart thing, play it safe and order yourself some best legal steroids from Brutal Force.

Brutal Force Reviews

Brutal Force Reviews: Best Legal Steroids for the Safest Muscle Building